Friday, July 29, 2005

A Prayer For My Children

I have had a trying week with my wee ones. It seems there is quite a bit of sibling warfare going on within the walls we call home. And so, in dwelling on that issue and digging into my brain coffers...I came to a realization. I want to do a prayer book for my children. I heard about it the other day from someone, though it was more in reference to would work other ways as well. What you do is choose a verse pertinent to that child at that time that really speaks to your heart...and you make that verse the prayer for that child for the year...or the month...or however long you feel necessary. You may end up praying several verses at a time for them. But as you pray them, you write them down for them. Then...when they are all old and wise and heading out into the world on their own for the first time, you present them with the prayer book. That way they can hold in their hands all of the prayers that you have prayed for them for all those years and know that God has had a huge hand in making them the people that they are. I selected the first verse...the same verse for all three of my children right now. The verse I will be praying for them for a while is Romans 14:9, "Let us always be seeking the ways which lead to PEACE and the ways in which we can SUPPORT one another." There has been both a lack of peace and support amongst my three children lately. So this is a wonderful jumping off point for us. Now, I just need to have the commitment and determination to remember to purchase the books and actually write the verse down in ink for each child. I recognize that I alone cannot raise these children. It will take someone MUCH stronger than I am to accomplish it if it is to be done right. I think it's a job that only God can do correctly. Oh, I have a huge part in it, to be sure...but God is the one who ultimately gives me the strength and wisdom to help guide their little feet onto the right paths. There is plenty more going on I suppose, however, I can't seem to muster the words to write about anything I will just leave this blog at my verse. I think I will go now and lift up each of my little blessings in prayer. Peace! Life is good in the desert.

1 comment:

Lori Seaborg said...

I just LOVE this idea! My first verse would be "Children, obey your parents..." LOL!

Oh, I know! It would be their current memory verse: "Blessed are the peacemakers." There ya go!

Really, this is a great idea!