Thursday, October 06, 2005


I marvel at how my mighty God answers prayers so perfectly. It was not too terribly long ago when I was feeling rather displaced and lonely in this new state we are calling home now. Even though I have a lovely home here, and our children go to a wonderful school and are making friends, somehow, I have just felt so lonely. I have truly missed my life in Florida and mostly, my friends. I missed having someone to pick up the phone and just say HI to. There was noone here like that. Not that I had not met some really nice people....I have. But I had not really met anyone that I clicked with so to say. And as a result I just felt quite lost and quite alone and quite miserable. I had quite a pitty party for myself, really. And then, as I so often do when I just don't know what else to do...I prayed. I prayed fervently and whole heartedly for friends. I wanted someone to call up and say howdy to and someone to have coffee with and someone to laugh with and complain about husbands to. So I prayed for it with all my heart...that God would just send me a couple of friends. And would you believe...within days...they were there. Friends just started coming out of the woodwork. We started getting invitations to play and invitations for coffee and invitations to just hang out and go camping and all sorts of things. And I stood back the other day and surveyed this amazing group of women that God has placed in my life. There is a third grade teacher (Max's teacher from last year) who is kind and sweet and has a child just like mine, and there is an engineer, turned mom who has spent the last year watching her 9 year old daughter battle cancer, an amazing woman to be sure. Then there is my friend who was so excited about the article on nuclear fusion that she cut it out and keeps it in her purse. I have an ex-hippy turned pastry chef turned single mom in the corporate world friend. I have a friend who makes me beautiful baubles and is so sweet and down to earth and real you can't help but love her and her faith is just beautiful. And I just met another fantastic lady and though I don't know why....somehow I just know that she and I will be fast friends. Yes...God is so good. And as I stand back and survey these wonderful gifts, I can't wait to see what God is going to do with them and how we will be used in each other's lives. Each one of these ladies thus far has been like a beacon in the darkness for me. They have each already touched my life and filled needs for me like I never imagined. I think of them daily and I am just excited to see how our relationships will grow. I am so thankful for these ladies...each so different and yet, not so much so. I am thankful for a loving God that hears me and knows my needs and provides for me in such loving ways. I know that each of these women was handpicked for me. I cherish each and every one of their amazing selves. They have much to teach me, I know. And I am so excited about the journey and paths our lives will cross over the next few years. Thank you God for prayers heard....and answered. Life is good in the desert.

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