Monday, August 15, 2005

I'm Down 8!

So I am officially down eight pounds now in this calorie counting adventure. I would think that I would be overjoyed and feeling like such a hottie. But the thing is...I'm just not there. Now granted...things are looking a lot better now...MUCH better now. The scale is terribly kind to me each day and my clothes fit better. Do I think that they fit fantastic? No...but definitely better. It's just that I still see so much that can go. I don't think that I will hit any plateau soon...I just have too much to spare! I am not frustrated by the calorie counting at isn't hard by any means and I am not feeling deprived in any way. I just thought that by the time I saw these weights on the scale it would all look a lot better in the mirror. I know I can go more...not one person, shy of Chris has even noticed any weight drop at all....which means that I have not lost enough to make any real difference. NOw granted, I will be able to breathe in most of my jeans this winter at this pace....but still...I was thinking that I would really see the results by this point. I guess I just have farther to go than I thought that I did! That's okay. I'm enjoying myself and making slow, but sure progress!

The kids are back in school now and Clara starts preschool on Thursday. She is very excited about that and can hardly wait to get there on Thursday. The boys both seem excited about the school year and seem to be making good friends all around. I just hope things go as well for Clara! Speaking of Clara. I got her little earring all turned around and fixed so that the back is in the back and the front is in the front again. It was no problem at all when I tried to do it this last time. I guess the few extra days really helped it stay open better. Now she is all fronts forward and ready for action. She looks SO pretty!

We are off to the gym tomorrow for the Get Ripped class and boxercise. Tomorrow's exercise burns about 800 calories for me! Hooray! Jackie is going with me and we are going to just tear it up tomorrow! Wish us luck! Life is good in the desert!

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