So....I have been so negligent about updating this blog. It isn't that I haven't thought about it often. It's just that...honestly....I couldn't figure out how to sign into the darned thing! Since it all changed over it has been a real pain! But I determined to figure it out this morning....and so I did! Life is good here in the desert. NO major calamities at this time. Ben is struggling mightily with his allergies...needing both his inhaler AND his antihistamine eyedrops. On top of that, he has been throwing up all night (not too fun), but for the most part is in a good place. Clara, also, is fighting the allergy battle. She also is fighting mommy on using her inhaler and allergy meds. Always fun going head to head with the stubborn four year old! And Max is just Max. Healthy as always!
Last night we got to have dinner with our newest neighbors, the Newmans. They are in our Sunday School class and it was just the nicest time! The food was WAY yummy! And I love that Mandy is just a down to earth, simple, no frills kind of entertainer! That SO jives with the way I like to do things. I just get so stressed out getting caught up in all the plethra of details that can go along with hosting a heart always longs for the simplicity of our own "family" dinners. I felt so at home at Mandy's with the paper plates and plastic cups. Mandy had no way of knowing that plastic cups are my absolute preference! So it turned out to just be a really fun evening and we enjoyed their company so much. Mandy has the BEST baby....I am amazed at just how good she is. I dont' think I've ever come across such a mild, even tempered, sweet, awesome baby. She never cries, just goes to sleep on her own, and in an instant...and is...well...just amazing. I marvel at the job Mandy has done with her! So...enough of my jealous baby ramblings!
Picture business is's busy...but great. I love being able to do that and to have that outlet! My friends have all been SO patient and SO supportive and so amazing. It has been a good thing.
Not too much else happening and my clock here is ticking for me to get ready and get out the door to the gym. I will update SO much more later....especially now that I have figured out how the heck to log on to this crazy thing! More to come!