Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Battle of the Boots...

continues in the Roberts house. Despite the fact that temperatures are just dreamy and shorts are defintitely "in" now...along with flip flops and all that fun daughter insists on putting on these boots every time I tell her to go get her shoes. Now I have bought her several very lovely pairs of shoes for this new season of warmth and fashion. We have flip flops in every color...flip flops with stripes and some with sequins...some flat ones and some with a bit of heighth to them. I'm telling you...we've got shoes. We also have lovely white sandals and a mighty fine pair of tennis shoes. Not to mention the white Mary Janes and the red Dorothy shoes...minus the glitter this year! There is a very wide variety of VERY appropriate footwear available to this child on this very day. HOWEVER...when I send her off to collect said shoes...she ALWAYS comes back with these. I've tried telling her nicely that they don't really "go" with the whole shorts look. I've tried insisting on my own fashion ways. I've tried just about no avail. The child just insists on these boots. I imagine if she needs shoes out by the pool this summer we'll find her in a bikini...and her boots. Clara is very, very eager to please these days. As long as it does not involve her fashion or her hair. She wants to wear her boots...with everything...and do absolutely NOTHING with her hair. Apparently, she strongly holds to the idea that the "orphan child look" is in. So...a little bit of a struggle. Today, however, I simply did not engage in the battle. I have had a migraine the size of Texas and just really did not have what it was going to take to get this girl out of those boots. And believe was going to take a lot! She quickly realized I was not going to force, bribe or beg her out of them this morning...and she skipped right on out the door to school with the BIGGEST smile on her face. Some days you just realize that battle with a certain stubborn, hard headed four year old will just be uglier than you can deal with! today on my baby. I've been telling myself that one day I will look back on this and laugh. So I made sure to blog it here...complete with that one day I can look back...and laugh over the boots that just won't go away! I am thankful for this independent child of mine. I am thankful for her enthusiasm and sense of fashion. I am thankful for her sweet smile and that she felt a real sense of accomplishment as she headed out the door and into the world in her favorite boots. I am thankful that God saw fit to help me keep quiet and to just let my little girl be herself all her fashion glory. Life is good in the desert. Boots and all!

1 comment:

mandy said...

that's so my daughter too! way to grab the camera for a pic!!