Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Request For Easter Pictures

I have had a request asking to see this year's Easter pictures of my kids. By might have noticed that along with this blog there are none posted. That would be because....well... there are none really. We weren't here and I was really busy and I simply did not get around to it. And so...this Easter went largely and pretty much totally unphotographed. So sorry to all of you who were looking for them. I will do better next year. As a matter of fact...until just now when I read that request...I had totally forgotten about my little bunny and chicks that I have. I might still have to attempt at least some spring pictures. The park would pretty for those. Everything is getting so green and pretty now! Hmmm. My wheels are turning now! OOOOOHHH!!!! And now I just remembered that SOMEWHERE I have a white picket fence prop thing that I ordered for last year and it came too late. I haven't even taken it out of the box. I am going to go and look for it right now and get it out and see what is involved! And then...this weekend I just might have to embark up on the park with my kiddos and camera and see if we can capture a little spring! Thank you Mandy for stirring my memory here and this boost of inspiration!

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