Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Break on the Slopes!

We spent Spring Break this year in Montana with Chris' family. The kids all LOVE going to their house because every time we have been there is 1)snow and 2)skiing! Chris also loves to ski and manages to do it at least a couple of times a year with his travels. The boys have been skiing for a couple of years now and are also passionate about it. Mommy however...not so passionate about it. I tried it. Two years. And in the words of my little 22 month old niece (who we had a blast visiting with)..."I don't like it." It's rather cold. It's windy. It's somewhat wet. It's really scary barreling down that steep hill on those slippery sticks. And if I fall down (which is a DEFINITE scenario) I CANNOT get back up without practically summoning the entire ski patrol. So this time I informed my family that I would NOT be joining them on the slopes, but would be cheering them on from inside the cocoa in hand! This is the first year that Clara was able to ski. She was so excited about the challenge! She was decked out in her ski to bottom. She looked like a little pink Michelin Man! And I quickly knew that she was quite different than her mother as far as skiing goes. She LOVED it! She embraced it! She was actually quite good at it! And by the time we left, she was already skiing harder slopes than I managed in two years of attempts. And she is! Clara on the slopes!

1 comment:

mandy said...

cute!! how sweet of her to make sure her daddy was having a good time. makes me want to out my kiddos on the slopes. maybe next year.