Tuesday, December 18, 2007


14 years ago, today, I followed through with the biggest decision of my life and married my dear friend and love of my life, Chris. Looking back...I had only known Chris for 6 weeks when he proposed. What's funny is I had only liked him for 3 of those six weeks! Nine months to the day that we met, we were married in my hometwon church...surrounded by friends and family who loved us and wished us well. After the reception we rode away...literally, off into the sunset in a horse drawn carriage. It sounds dreamy. It was. It was magic. Now I sit here 14 years, three children, 8 addresses, 7 vehicles and 3 dogs later just reflecting on it all. Part of me said fourteen years isn't a big deal. It's the fives that matter...you know...15, 20, 25, etc. But over the last couple of years, as Chris and I have watched so many of our friends really struggle in their marriages, I have decided that fourteen is HUGE! It's huge and it's wonderful and it's an awesome accomplishment. And lest you are sitting there thinking how fortunate I am to have married someone so "perfect and easy to love", I'm going to have to bust your bubble and tell you that he is NOT always easy to love (and every now and again, I might not be the sweet dear thing you know and love either!) and it has NOT always been a smooth road for us. We have had our share of struggles and gone through some real marriage busters...but we made it. We stand on the other side now and look back at that journey and those challenges....and we are so thankful that we made it through. And that we are standing on the other side...TOGETHER. I wouldn't trade that man for any other man on the face of the earth. He has been the greatest gift that God ever gave me. I am thankful for every single minute we have spent joined in holy matrimony. Today we start our journey toward our 15th year. We're so glad to have come to the fourteenth year marker. And now it's onward! Another year. Another journey. I can't think of anyone else that I would rather have as my traveling companion on this journey called life!
"His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely. This is my lover, this is my friend..." -Song of Songs 5:16

1 comment:

mandy said...

happy 14 to you two. we pray for many more!!