Friday, December 07, 2007


e·nig·ma [uh-nig-muh]
–noun, plural -mas, -ma·ta - 1. a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation:
2. a person of puzzling or contradictory character:
3. a saying, question, picture, etc., containing a hidden meaning; riddle.

—Synonyms 1. problem. See puzzle.

This is the word that my son's writing teacher used to describe Max yesterday in a most interesting telephone conversation. This conversation started out like so many others I have had concerning my two sons. It went like this..."You know Mrs. Roberts, your son is one of the very smartest in the class.....BUT..." See...there is that little word that always seems to follow the words telling me how smart my kids are. So, so smart...BUT. And so...there was the but...but this time it was more like..."Your kid is really, really smart, BUT he has an F in my class." Nice. Very, very nice. I do so love those conversations. Especially when we get down to the meat of the matter and I get to find out exactly WHY we have an F in class. Seems Max just can't seem to turn in his homework assignments. Six of them to be exact. So he has 6 big zeroes sitting there in his class average right now. Lovely. Just lovely. And so I take my dear little Max aside...careful to keep him just out of arms' reach because I really want to just THROTTLE the kid right then, and we proceed to investigate our backpack for these little missing assignments. We manage to produce three of them from the depths of his pack. And can I tell you...that backpack was just SCARY! I have never seen so much trash in one bag in my life! So on top of receiving this less than fantastic news about my flunking child, I get to rifle through this pigsty of a backpack. Needless to say, I was having a FIT! That's right F-I-T....FIT. Max and I had a bit of a conversation. Not so nice really on my end. Not nice at all. It was spelled out clearly for him. I left no illusions in his mind about his status and what it was going to take to change it. He's grounded...again. Of course, they've been grounded so long that they don't really know any difference anymore. Must think up some new and torturous punishment that will work on these boys of mine. So Max will miss Nite of Lights tonight with his dearest friend. He will be sitting home alone while the rest of us revel in the festivities of the season. I hate that...but that's the consequences of insisting on being an "enigma". Lucky to the enigma. I am praying for a transformation. From a state of enigmadom to a state of clear thinking and organization. Yes...I am fully aware that that will be a full on miracle and will require the contacting of the church to verify it's authenticity...but a miracle is exactly what it is going to take to get this child to function like the very bright kid that he is. And to move beyond the label of "enigma". Pray for the mommy! Oh...Do please pray for the mommy!

1 comment:

Mary Jones said...

I have to tell you that after we talked about this... I went through my daughters backpack with her again... only to find the folders were being used only when I was asking ... hmmm... why can't they slip it in so it is not wrinkled. Oh well... they will one day have to clean their own house and then we will see how it goes.