Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Off To A Rough Start

Chris and I decided to celebrate the new year with a hike through Pima Canyon. It was SO very beautiful! Gorgeous really. We hiked three miles into the canyon. We had picked up Subway sandwiches and were looking for our "perfect" spot to sit down and enjoy our lunch...when Chris slipped on a big rock and took a rather nasty fall. He did manage to save it some. If he had fallen the direction he was heading, he would have most certainly broken his arm. He managed to twist himself a bit though and landed hard on his side with his arm slightly behind him. Unfortunately, his hand was in the way and we think it might be rather broken. We saw our doctor friend and her family there at the canyon. She looked at it and after a very gentle pressure about made Chris do a back flip there in the parking lot, her professional opinion was that he should definitely have it x-rayed. He is off to the doctor as I type this and will begin the x-ray process to determine the diagnosis. It was swelling yesterday and his pain level is quite high. It had him awake several times in the night as well and he quite willingly sought medical attention this morning (he would not even entertain the thought last night, stubborn man!). So...we are awaiting the verdict on the broken hand this morning and will proceed accordingly. I managed to turn my ankle on the hike as well. It wasn't too bad until last night. Then it really, REALLY started hurting a bunch. I took some stuff and then this morning it feels just great. Go figure. Needless to say...our New Year is off to a bit of a rough start! I hope it is not any indication of the year ahead for us!

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