Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

It is 7:31 a.m. on Mother's Day and I have to say that it has already been just incredible. I have three amazing and sweet and wonderful children and an awesome hubby to boot! Clara tells me "I love you all the way that my heart is about to crack open". I have been showered with amazing gifts and all sorts of handmade cards with the sweetest of sentiments! My sweet children presented me this morning with an obnoxious sky blue purse that has just been CALLING to me for a while now. The purse was definitely MY choice...not theirs! I just love it. It is totally unpractical and will match nothing I wear...but I just love and adore it! When Clara handed it to me I was thrilled! But very surprised when I took it from her and felt how heavy it was! It wasn't just a was giftwrap! Looking inside I found a new cordless phone set. Recently Ben left one of ours (it was a set of two) on the tailgate of my car and I proceeded to back down the driveway and run over it! The other remaining phone has never worked right since! It's stubborn to answer and just rings forever...despite the fact that you long since pressed the answer button and have said hello a dozen times! So THAT was awesome! In addition to the phones was a new Nikon Coolpix is SO tiny...with a huge screen for viewing...AND it does both pictures AND video!!! This is awesome because now I will be able to capture Max's Odyssey competition in Michigan for Chris to be able to see....hopefully! So...goodies, goodies, goodies! My family has been way too good to me today! In addition, the boys had made cards that have "chores" in flowers that I can "pick" for them. Ben had very sensible and useful chores in his scooping the dog poop, and cleaning the bathroom. Max, my other dear and creative son...took a bit of a different approach. His flowers say things like "Share a Starbucks date" and "Play with Clara". It very much matches his philosophy in life...less work...more play! They are so cute...I think I will treasure them forever! Clara brought home a new plant (victim) from preschool for me! I actually have managed to keep last years plant alive for a whole year now. IF you have been in my home, you might have noticed a scraggly, weed looking thingy by the kitchen sink. That's Clara's pot from last year. It is impatients. Granted...there are no flowers on it...and haven't been for nearly a year. Clara called them marigolds...even though they are impatients...however...when she says marigolds, it comes out as "miracles"...and the fact that they are still alive in MY house under MY care truly is a miracle! LOL! I seriously have the blackest thumb possible! Anyway. I have to go and get ready for church now. I am blessed beyond anything I could ever imagine! Thank you Lord for my sweet children and they blessing they are to my life. Thank you for entrusting them to me and allowing me the journey of motherhood! Life is good here in the desert!

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