Monday, May 14, 2007

A Perfect Day

Yesterday, which was Mother's Day could not have been any more perfect! My family was wonderful. My children were precious and sweet beyond words, and everything was just lovely. After being showered with amazing gifts, as we got in the car to go to church and were backing out of the driveway, I noticed that we were actually leaving ON the time that I like to leave...8:45 on the dot. I was thrilled. That in and of itself could have been my Mother's Day gift right there! I HATE to run late. It is a real issue for me! So that was awesome. I was actually seated before the service got rolling...that was awesome. The sermon...that was awesome. Mark spoke on Psalm 139 and how God is with us wherever we go, wherever we try to go...we cannot be out of his sight or his touch. He read the story of the Runaway Bunny, which is a story where a little bunny tells his mama he is going to run away. And the mommy says that if he runs away she will run after him. So the little bunny says that if she runs after him, then he will turn into a fish and swim away. And the mama says that if he turns into a fish and swims away, then she will become a fisherman and catch him and bring him home. So the little bunny says that then he will become a crocus hidden in a secret garden. The mommy says that if he becomes a crocus in a garden, then she will become a gardener and find him. And so on, and so forth. The little bunny comes up with scenario after scenario as to how he will get away...and the mother has an answer for how she will be there every single time. Finally the little bunny says "Awww, shucks. I might as well just stay home with you then!" And that's how God's love for us is. No matter where we go, He will go too. No matter what the situation we face, He will be there to face it beside us. We cannot be outside of His sight, or outside of His grasp or outside of His love. This was not news to me, by any means...but it was a great illustration and is one that will stick in my mind forever. Anyway...after church we all came home and had a quick lunch...then a quick nap! Then I got a great workout in on my treadmill, jumped in the shower and was done just in time for Chris' mom and stepdad to arrive. We cooked pizza (my ALL time favorite food) and had salads and angel food cake with fruit. It was yummy and just awesome. Then to top off my very awesome day, last night was the season finale of Survivor Figi. A day cannot get much better than that! Oh...the best part of the day....I almost forgot! My kids took pictures with me! They were all so cute in their green (happened totally by chance)! My kids NEVER want to take pictures. They are DONE with that since they have been subjected to countless trial and error sessions while their mom figured out her photography stuff. Anyway....SO cooperative! And GREAT pictures resulted! It was an amazing day...I think one of my very best ever!!!

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