Friday, May 11, 2007


Whenever Clara fails to get a nap in and gets herself overtired, she tends to have nightmares when she goes to sleep for the first part of the night. In addition to being overtired, a full bladder can also trigger these nightmare cycles, as can being too hot it seems. So...we put her in her bed, OUT like a light at 8:32 this evening. Today was a no nap day....along with having a friend over for several hours day, along with swimming twice this afternoon...along with an early and busy start this morning. is 10:19 right now and Clara has already had three nightmare cycles. Two outright SCREAMING at the top of her lungs, disoriented, doesn't know where she is kind of cycle. This last time I finally was able to get her to wake up (this is ALWAYS a challenge with both Clara and Ben), at least a bit. I convinced her to try and go potty...and sure enough...her bladder was full. I also stripped her down out of her p.j.s as she tends to be a little heater box when she sleeps, like her daddy. I am hoping that I have eliminated now at least 2, if not three of the main causes of these least for tonight! I am sleepy and heading to bed and am SO hoping to be able to stay there until morning and not have to run up the stairs all night long! Life is good in the desert!

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