Sunday, June 10, 2007

God Breezes

Chris and I were doing our devotions last night (his idea to pick it up again!) and the topic was about feeling led to pray. It told a story about how it was laid on a mother's heart to pray for her daughter and she tried to put it aside...but it kept coming back. So she stopped everything there in her kitchen and prayed for the safety of her daughter and asked God to place a protective ring of angels around her daughter. A short time later a policeman knocked on her door to let her know that her daughter had been in a fairly serious car accident...but had only minor injuries. So then Chris and I got to talking about feeling the prompt of the Holy Spirit in our lives and giving examples of when we "hear" it. My friend in Florida had a term for those prompts...and she called them God breezes. When God speaks to your heart and touches it in a way that it is almost as if God himself whispers in your ear. It was a very interesting conversation...and in the midst of it, I realized that Chris had experienced a God breeze here recently, as it had been laid on his heart to pick up our devotions, and to work together, as a married couple, on living in the word of God and developing a strong foundation for the rest of our lives and for our family. It's neat how God works things it not? Many, O Lord, my God are the wonders you have done.-Psalm 40:5

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