WOW! This week has flown by for us! Lots and lots going on around here. Where to start?
First of all...allergies have been TERRIBLE this week! UGGGH! My eyes have been so itchy and irritated and red and swollen. NOT a pretty picture. People keep looking at me with alarm and asking if I've been crying. It has looked that bad many a day. I'm completely eye drop dependent right now and have been wearing my glasses a LOT. That and just staying inside! I have found that to be the greatest aid. Just hibernating and not setting foot outside unless I have to.
Monday I had a bazillion errands to run. I had to get a bunch of copies of an order form for dance studio pics and a few other supplies to make that run smoothly. Then I had a return a Target. Then I did my step class at the gym. It was majorly hard for some reason. Maybe just the whole Monday thing. When Karen asked if we were ready for our peak track I immediately thought to myself "you mean that wasn't it?". Anyway, I survived. Then I had to drop off Clara's VBS registration at St. Andrews. She would KILL me if I missed getting that in and they got full. Then I had to meet Angelica at the tennis court and we hit balls for an hour, at which point I was SO beyond exhausted and ready to drop! Then before I could blink it was time to take Clara to ballet in full costume no less, so they could be checked for outfits. Then as soon as that was over I grabbed my little tutu clad ballerina and dashed off to Coronado to pick up Max at his track meet...only the meet wasn't AT Coronado. It was back over at Wilson, from where I had just practically come from. I finally tracked down my oldest and flew home, picked up Ben and Oscar and deposited all three kids and dog at Chris's moms house as I had a dinner meeting to attend with Chris at Wildflower. When that was over we picked up three exhausted kids, tucked them all into bed and collapsed ourselves! WHEW! That was Monday.
On Tuesday I spent the entire day getting ready to do the pictures for Clara's ballet studio. Lots of final minute preparations. Lists upon lists running through my head. So afraid I was going to forget something or screw something up. On top of taking the pictures it was also Clara's picture day with her group. Now, of course,I had already done her pictures here at home the way I wanted them. But I still wanted her there for her group picture. So in addition to all the craziness with getting this pictures of the masses stuff down, I had my own bouncing ballerina to tend to! That said, pictures went great and I crawled back in the door around 8 p.m. I was very thrilled with the pictures. They look pretty least on the computer!
Wednesday was NOT fun. I had all pictures ready to upload and sat down first thing to get started on it. I had a sense of panic over it all come over me first thing. Such a strong sense that I bailed out of our final bible study get together, thanking God every second that it wasn't at MY house this time. I did not even get dressed. I drove the kids to school in my whale pajamas and uncombed bed head and came back and got to work in just that state of fashion. I stayed in said whale pajamas until 2:20 that afternoon, at which point I forced myself into the shower and some clean clothes. Mostly because I had to get back into the car and go pick up the kids. Time flies when you are completely frustrated beyond belief!!!! I was using an ordering system for the first time that's made for processing groups of pics like dance and sports. And I will just say here...that it was not an easy task. I REPEATEDLY called the customer support line. I don't even know how many times. That in and of itself was VERY frustrating because I kept getting a recording that said "Due to the high volume of calls, your wait time could exceed 10 minutes." And I'm like... are you kidding?! And NO. They weren't kidding. It was a LOT of waiting on that day. And I would finally get through and get my question answered...only to have another one within like, oh, thirty seconds. Talk about a test of my patience. I knew I was in trouble when the customer support gal told me that the system wasn't very user friendly! And I was like, NO CRAP! Anyway. AFter MANY hours of frustration and aggravation I managed to get the order uploaded. Now l am just hoping that I actually did that right! We will see soon enough!
Thursday was a quiet day for me. I had a nice 6 mile run on the treadmill. I had planned to go 8, but my left knee thought that was not a great idea, so six was the stop point for us. Then I got a slideshow built, got another order processed and cleaned my bathroom! I also had a return at Ross, so I tackled that and then it was time to pick up Jackie and head back to the ballet studio for round two! And it went great. Effortless. NO problems at all! The biggest success of that whole thing was that I had the night's pictures all edited, and processed and transmitted by 10:45 p.m.! Hallelujah! Talk about a relief!
Now it is Friday and I am about to drop off kiddos, then head straight to the tennis court for my Friday morning tennis lesson with George! Then I have to volunteer in Clara's class today. NO idea what that will hold for me. Sometimes it's mundane things like paper cutting and pencil sharpening. But sometimes it involves lots of green paint or paper mache' and gallons of sticky starch! Who knows! Guess I will find out soon enough!
That's our a nutshell!