Sunday, May 11, 2008


Baby girl delivered VERY quickly Friday afternoon. Minutes after they called me actually. She was in a hurry! And she was born alive and alert and fiesty. Her vitals were quite strong. So strong in fact that they were talking about taking her home Saturday or Sunday. She has several of the birth defects that go hand in hand with trisomy 13. She has a cleft palette and a spot on her scalp where her skull did not fully close. Nothing exposed...just no hair or anything growing there. She has extra fingers and extra toes. But despite all of that she was just beautiful. And a big baby too! 6 lbs, 1 ounce. She was wide awake and staring in to everyone's eyes who held her. And when she was in her mother's arms it was like watching this incredible dance. She would settle right down and just gaze at her mother like she had known her forever and yet wanted to study her every detail. And watching her mom and dad watch her... it was magical. They smiled over her and stroked her tiny, chubby cheeks. They marvelled over her generous amount of dark hair. They thrilled as she grasped onto their fingers with her tiny hands and mom kissed her tiny toes. And she made the sweetest little baby noises and cried when she was cold and nodded off to sleep when she was warm and snuggled. God is so good. That not only did they get to meet her and look into those dark eyes of hers for a bit, they actually were talking about having her at home for a time with them. That family has been on my mind so much on this day, Mother's Day. What a wonderful Mother's Day have that sweet, sweet time with your baby girl.

The other family that I worked with this past week was also on my mind. The one who lost their baby in that horrible car accident. Oh, my heart has broken for her over and over again today. Today of all days must have been so very difficult for her. I woke up amidst all manner of celebration this morning. The kids were so excited about their cards and gifts they had for me. Their chatter filled the house and I could not help but stop and count my blessings right then. That other young mom woke up to a quiet house. A silence that penetrates to the soul. When there should have been the sound of crying and cooing and the feeling of a warm bundle in your arms and at your breast. But all of that is lost to her now. Those feelings and dreams laid to rest with her sweet baby boy.

It's been an interesting journey for me today, reflecting on these moms and how one was left with a broken heart and empty arms, and the other with the gift of time with a child they know will most likely not be with them for long. I had to look at my own three children so differently today. And just lift up sincerest thanks and praises. Thank you Lord for bestowing upon me this title of Mother. Thank you for entrusting three precious little souls to my care. Thank you Lord for these other mothers who crossed paths with mine this week and who opened my eyes to just how fortunate and blessed I truly am. Comfort those mothers Lord. And give them strength for the days ahead and healing for hearts broken to pieces. May they know your presence and peace as they walk through this valley. Amen.

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