Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chris is Out of Town...

and so of course we are sitting here tonight wondering if I need to take Clara to the emergency room and have her wrist x-rayed. She fell off of Jackie's lap this afternoon...not a far fall at all, but apparently it has really hurt something. Clara has complained pretty consistently since I got her home today. Motrin did not seem to really knock it back for her. I finally got her all bedded down and we will reevaluate the situation in the morning. Her left hand does seem to be slightly swollen. But it could be just a sprain. If it is broken, then most likely it will swell up a good bit in the night. And so...holding pattern. Honestly, this happens nearly every time Chris goes out of town for an extended time. There always seems to be some major injury requiring emergency medical attention in the form of stitches or x-rays, some major drama (like my car being majorly rear ended!) or some major crisis like, oh, say, a SNAKE slithering through my family room. So this turn of events does not surprise me in the least! Of course...timing is lousy! WE have friends scheduled to come over and play tomorrow after VBS. Clara has been SO looking forward to this. They are supposed to swim and play. With the exciting thunderstorms and lightening...and now the prospect of a broken wrist....well. Let's just say tomorrow might not exactly go as planned! But I have spent the evening getting all ready for guests anyway. And of course, when you have guests coming and lots to do for that, naturally you decide to totally clean out the master bedroom closet, thus creating a whole HUGE disaster of a mess! Yeah. I simply could not control the urge and before I even realized what I was doing, half of my closet was no longer in the closet and piles were everywhere and the organizational juices were just a flowing! It was NUTS! But as I sit here tonight I have to say that I have a huge sense of accomplishment! And on that note I have GOT to go to bed. I have a tennis lesson in the morning. Hey...MAYBE my instructor will show up this time!

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