Sunday, May 22, 2005


For those of you who read this from time to time....NO, that is not my current weight! I wish! But it IS the temperature here in the town of Oro Valley yesterday. We are expected to see that or higher today. Wow! I have personally never experienced temperatures that high. Things are SO different here in the desert. I can honestly say though that it was not too bad...the heat. It was doubt. But it was not sticky and we did not feel like we were going to suffocate. It was really amazing. Even Chris was not complaining and he tends to complain about the heat early on! It is amazing how miserable humidity can make things! I will take 112 degrees here in the desert any day over 92 degrees in Florida!

We are off to church today (back at our rock and roll church) and then Chris has invited a friend and his family over to cook out tonight. We aren't totally sure they are coming and his wife and daughters just flew in yesterday afternoon. But they don't have much else to do as their moving truck is not coming for another 2 or 3 they just might. They have a daughter the same age as Max and one that is 4 I think. I thought that they might enjoy getting to know some kids here as they don't have the benefit of school now for the summer...but I understand that the 9 year old daughter doesn't really like boys these days. Go figure! So maybe they will come or maybe they won't. Regardless, I think that we are going to grill out and sit by the pool no matter what.

I started smocking a dress for Clara Friday night. It is SO gorgeous! It is baby blue and sleeveless...and it is going GREAT!!! I am having a blast doing it and it really looks really good. Of course...I can point out every single imperfection for you, but if you don't know any better, the average eye will be clueless tot he imperfections! I am already looking forward to my next project, and I'm not even done with this one yet! My friend is pregnant right now so I think that I will take on a project for her next...maybe one of those ridiculously sweet bonnets and gown sets! It would be nice if she knew what she was having...but she is one of those stubborn types who just loves to leave us all in suspense! Oh well!

All is great here. Loving the desert, loving my house, loving my family! Sometimes life is just fantastic and the blessings are just pouring out all over the place and you can't help but rejoice and feel so thankful that you have it SO good. We don't just have it good...we have it GREAT! So...that's me right now....thankful and SOOOO blessed. Life is good here in the desert!

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