Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Road To Recovery

The Roberts family in on the mend this day...though it has been a long and slow process to be sure! I feel back to my very normal self as far as my tummy goes...though I am now fighting back Chris's head cold. I have the sniffles, but other than that am not really ailing too badly. Chris and Ben, on the other hand, while definitely better...are still struggling. Chris is still battling an upset stomach and Ben is absolutely exhausted from his ordeal. His stomach also seems to be bothering him a bit tonight. Clara seems all better in the tummy arena...however, now has developed quite a nasty rash over her legs and on her arms. It is very red and blotchy...almost like something tried to have her for lunch! She woke up with it from her nap today. So we tucked Ben into bed with tylenol, Clara into bed with benadryl, hydrocortisone cream and motrin. Chris is already snoring on the couch at exactly 8:56 p.m....which we will leave me sitting here alone working until my own exhaustion kicks in. I can have more sniffles medicine in an hour, so I am planning to stay awake for a while more.

We have no big plans for Memorial Day weekend. Maxwell had a friend over to play today for a while. Lucas is a really sweet kid and we enjoyed having him around. He goes to our church and has the nicest parents ever. Not too long after he left, the rain set in and we have just been listening to it off and on ever since. Noone seems to be oozing energy on this stormy night. On the contrary, Ben was trying to sleep at the dinner table at 7 p.m. and Clara was asking to be put to bed. And as I already mentioned...Chris is doing his pre-sleeping on the couch as I type this. I think the food poisoning really took it out of all of us. Max is the only one of us who escaped unscathed. He is being amazingly patient with the rest of us as we try to summons our health and energies back. It is nice to know that we have nothing planned other than church tomorrow morning for the rest of the weekend. We will have all afternoon and all day Monday to lay around and get ourselves well again. Then we are off and running again on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, the boys will begin working with the SwimTucson swim team. They will swim at 8:20 each morning for 40 minutes. Then we will all head on down to the gym for my workout and then home for whatever the rest of the day holds. This will be the routine 4 days a week. We will see what becomes of that 5th day!

All in all, we are all well and life is good here in the desert. I am thankful for the fact that I made it 33 years without ever having food poisoning. I hope I make it another 33 years before I have anything remotely similar to it again! Until later!

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