Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Year was my big day. The day I log yet another year on the old age calendar. I turned 37 today. If I were to take a moment to reflect on this past year and what I have done with it...I would have to say it has been a good year. I have had some great opportunities and a lot of life lessons. I have tried some new things and broken away from old ones. I have made some wonderful new friends and said goodbye to others. I have done a few things I am proud of and a few things that I am not. But mostly, I have just been so richly blessed this year. With a husband who loves me, friends who make me laugh and smile, and children who seem intent to test my limits of sanity while at the same time just melting my heart with their sweet grins and loving ways. Chris is out of town, so I got to get old all by myself this year. At first, I thought that that would be a sad thing. Just me and the kids hanging out. But the day has been just so fantastic. It all started with opening a card from my sweet friend Gillian this morning. Inside it was a gift card to my single favorite place on the planet...Lucy!!! Hooray! I was SO excited! Then I got to go to the gym for Body Combat. My favorite class on my big day! After that I rushed off and met my dear friend Mary for Pumpkin Lattes and pumpkin bread at Starbucks! After that I took myself for a manicure and pedicure treat! That was SO lovely. From there I picked up the kids, ran a quick errand to the post office, and then headed on into the evening's excitement. I went to Gavi tonight with Karen and Jenny from the gym. WHAT a delightful and fun evening. I can't think of two people I would have enjoyed more this evening. It was delicious food, easy conversation and just a wonderful time with friends. I don't know when I have laughed and smiled so much. In addition to all of that fun today, I also got a fantastic new purse from my sister, some really groovy new wine glass clips from one of Chris's coworker's wives and some monogrammed toilet paper! I have to say that in all of my 37 years, I have never had monogrammed toilet paper bestowed upon me. But tonight I did! And it's just too funny! To top off this great day, there were three bouquets of flowers waiting for me when I picked up my children tonight. One from each of them. So sweet. AND two big picture orders waiting for me in my e-mail. What more could a girl ask for on her special day? Honestly, I don't think it gets any more special than that! I am so crazy blessed at this point in my life. I am fluffier than I was a year ago...heck...I'm just plain fatter than last year. And more wrinkled and definitely more tired I think. But so very, very blessed. I don't know when I have felt so loved and so special. It truly was a fantastic day and such a wonderful way to turn 37. I'm almost looking forward to 38!

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