headache because that was the main theme of this particular day. The day started with the usual rush. Get the crow bar...pry oldest child out of bed. Shout and scream, plead and beg until oldest is out the door on time successfully to catch the bus. Then VERY QUICKLY try to clean up wave of total mess and destruction that always seems to follow oldest child. Jump into shower. Have briefest of conversations with hubby...went something like this..."Do I need to pack you a lunch, or can you be trusted to make a good food decision regarding your cholesterol intakes today?" Hubby decides he can handle it...I get showered...think to myself, "Hmmm, Mother Nature should be here today or tomorrow...might explain the headache that is starting up on THIS, the FOURTH day in a ROW!" Finish shower. Get dressed. Rush other two kids to school. Wait 20 minutes with littlest kid in the car because middle kid had to be at school early for orchestra and littlest can't be on campus yet...SO convenient my Wednesdays are!!! Then THROW youngest child through the gates at school the SECOND that they open...RUSH home at top speed to get ready for bible study crowd who should start descending on house in say...3 minutes, tops. Only to find Mother Nature indeed has taken this body BY STORM...nice. Very lovely. Great timing. So...now changing clothes on top of trying to make coffee, put out orange juice, slice pudding cake, put out muffins, napkins, etc. Jumping around half naked...oh...and now the doorbell starts to ring. Everyone is arriving. The next few minutes go something like this...."Hello, I am so glad you are here...come right in. Make yourself comfortable." Get one thing done and put out...doorbell rings again. Run to the front door. Start over again...."So glad you are here. Come in...yada yada yada..." Put one more thing out...Run again to the door. Cramping like crazy now. But alas...no time for feeling sorry for myself. Finally, group is under way and we make it through the study. Then, ina blink it is over and I am LATE and RUNNING to my eye doctor to see what the heck is the matter with the eyeglasses I got three weeks ago. Can't see a danged thing with them. What a pain. Turns out that my eyes can't take the material they made my lenses out of. Uggggh. 3 to 5 BUSINESS days without them...which means NEXT WEEK before I can see again. Very, very convenient. Headache is about a thousand times worse at this point. But we must press on. Run through McDonalds drive through on the way back to school and order a salad...Yay me! It sucked though...McDonalds salads? Not impressive. But I ate it. Head throbbing now mightily as I walk into school for my volunteer time. Thinking that it seemed like SUCH a good idea on parent orientation night...NOT so good in real time...but onward just the same. Get sent to the workroom to cut about a million one inch by one inch little squares. So that was fun. Head throbbing...can't see without my glasses, using brutally sharp paper cutter...oh...and some other poor mom gets sent to the work room to sharpen pencils on the electric pencil sharpener. GRIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNND. GGGGRRRRRRRRIIIIINNNNND. Lucky me. My head was just feeling so special right then. Then I got a short reprieve from square cutting and got sent to art class. Now...how special is that? Spent a lovely and crazy long hour in art class with funky art teacher (earring in her nose, crazy big tattoo on her shoulder,another on her ankle (that's all I can see) and annoying nasal voice like Fran Drescher....not QUITE as bad...but bad enough). After a way fun hour of Aborignal art technique I returned very loud kindegarten class to their teacher and got to go back to the work room for MORE little one inch square cutting and special me....there was yet ANOTHER volunteer there...doing what???? You got it. Pencil sharpening! GGGRRRIIIIIIINDDDDD! Oh yes. There is nothing like being right up there at total migraine level and being hit with every loud and annoying sound on the face of the planet in one short afternoon. I crawled out of the school and managed to drive us home. I took drugs and went almost straight to bed. Made a pit stop to clean up the huge mess I ran out on after bible study so I could get to the eye doctor on time. And then I crashed. All children were banished to total silence for a time. Thankfully, the phone did not ring and there was peace in the home for a bit while I closed my eyes and tried to just float away from the heachache from hell. And after a time...I did. It was successful. The nausea subsided. I could open my eyes with less pain and I could function as a human again. At that point I got up....got homework done and dinner started. The menu tonight? Lean Flat Iron Steak, grilled eggplant, garlic bread and salads. Nothing too fancy...but heart healthy and reasonably yummy. Chris was excited to see red meat on his plate...even the lean stuff. I reminded him not to get too attached. I don't know yet what is for dinner tomorrow night...but I'm sure it is likely to be met with that same forlorn look of longing and a sigh of resolve...the same one I have received the past 3 nights. I am thinking tomorrow's menu just might include tofu. I can't imagine how that's going to go over with poor Max. I have too much headache leftover still to think about that tonight! Nothing like before...but headache just the same. It has been a very long day here in the desert. So very long. But God is good and the moon is up, the night is cool, and my bed is ever so deep and inviting! I have to go there now and rest up, for tomorrow is a new day...with new adventures!