Saturday, October 06, 2007

A New Subject

So the last couple of weeks have been just slammed for me with picture 3 different shoots at the hospitals for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. I have spent this last week crawling up out of a very deep and endless seeming hole of work! I finally got the last pictures and slideshows out in the mail to families yesterday and took a nice deep breath and just enjoyed a sense of accomplishment. This morning...there was a giant praying mantis on our screen door. And I thought it would be fun to capture know...something different for a change. Not that screaming, wriggling toddlers aren't great. But I have to say...this guy was awesomely cooperative. He held still. Did not yell or tell me no one time. He even looked so sweetly directly into my camera with the nicest tilt of his powerful little head. And I snapped away. And this was my finished product. If you click on the picture, you can see it really big on yuor screen. Go ahead...try it! The details you can see are SO COOL! Isn't he just lovely? Of course...Chris is yelling at me "You know they bite, right?" Well, he didn't bite me! So that's a plus. When I think about it...plenty of the babies and children I shoot also bite! Anyway. After the last couple of weeks I'm thinking about leaving the world of baby photography and just doing BUGS! Nah...just kidding. But it is tempting sometimes! Anyway...this was my new subject. Something SO totally different for me...but most DEFINITELY outdoors...this one is for you Mandy! And most definitely fun! Have a great week! We're skipping out of the desert for a few days! Off to San Diego for a few days of sand and sun...and whales and what not!

1 comment:

Mary Jones said...

Love this photo. Did you do something to the back or how did you get it to look like that. I assume you did not take it off the screen. I can't imagine you picking it up and moving it to one of your photo backdrops. It is amazing!