Friday, November 16, 2007

M is for....

MOTIVATION!!!!!! Chris informed me tonight there is more travel ahead for work. I sighed...rather loudly and asked "Where to this time?" And my husband says "Hawaii". And then he uttered the sweetest words I have ever heard come out of his mouth. He said "I was wondering if you would like to come know...6 days on the big island." And I like SO totally imagined doing a backflip right there in the middle of the desert (he was out helping me on a shoot). I would have done one for real...only I can' there's that little obstacle! So I just imagined doing one. I promptly accepted his proposal, of course. I am HAWAII-bound in January! HOOOOOOORAY!!!!! And so...I had instant motivation to lose that pesky few pounds that have been clinging on to my body here the past few months! There are ten....count them TEN that need to go. And I am ON A MISSION! YIPPPEEEEE! So excited here! Can you tell?! More details to come! Stay tuned!'s my first accountability marker...this morning I weighed 156.6 pounds. Bummer. Got to get that down. It's countdown to Aloha now so the pounds have got to go! 145 would be awesome! But we shall see!

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