Tuesday, November 06, 2007

S is for....

Sleepy. That is where I am today. Just plain sleep deprived! Last night's call had me out until midnight. The family I worked with last night was beyond distraught. Hard to work with simply because every time I looked for a little hand or foot to photograph, Mom would burst into inconsolable sobs and Dad would then have to comfort and we'd have to wait for them both to calm down and then try something else. It took forever to get very few photographs. So few that I am nearly done editing them already and am wondering if I will even be able to build a 3 minute slide show with what I've got. Normally, I am trying to cut my slideshows down from 8 or 9 minutes to a nice 4 to 5. But I think 2 to 3 minutes will be a stretch on this one. I only have about 45 pictures to work with. The vast majority of those being mainly of just mom and dad crying...precious few of their little boy. They simply could not bear to take their eyes or hands off of him for even the shortest of moments. But for now, I am trying to find some degree of mental sharpness! I have picture appointments this afternoon. A fun family group...but I need to be game on and ready for them just the same. One of this family's little guys likes to make me work for my pictures! In a perfect world, I would slip into my pajamas right now (I don't care that it is only 1:40 in the afternoon), pull the shades, grab a pillow and blanket, and just lounge on the couch until bedtime tonight...all comfy and happy. However. There is that little matter of reality. And my reality today is picture appointments, picking up kids from orchestra practice, tackling homework X 3 kids, fixing dinner, catching up the laundry (does it EVER end?)...and THEN I can think about slipping into p.j.s! Such is life! Life is good though! So very blessed and so very busy and so very, very good. On with the business of life for now! Sleep will have to wait!

1 comment:

mandy said...

just because mary is back doesn't mean you shouldn't be blogging anymore....there are others of us out here who read your blog!! hehe.