Tuesday, November 13, 2007

T is for tiny

This was from my little guy last night. So, so tiny. So, so early. I have been truly facsinated by the photos I did of him last night. In the light of day, as I look, I can so clearly see his beautiful, tiny features. His little eyes, still fused shut. And two perfect tiny nostrils in a perfect and tiny little button nose. His little toes are just exquisitely formed...as were his tiny fingers. As I look more at my pictures I can see that his skin was not really formed either, and so I can see his entire vein network there. It's almost like a glimpse of something you'd see on the Discovery channel...only it was real life. This little baby is just so delicate and tiny and intricate. It has really brought home even more for me what a miracle life truly is. That our God is so amazing in how He set forth creation and equipped our meager bodies to bring new life into the world. Lord, thank you for the opportunity to glimpse this tiny creation of yours and for the insight gained from it.

1 comment:

Mary Jones said...

I can just her God saying "well done my good and faithful servant" to you. Beautiful... I love this shot.