Monday, November 05, 2007

W is for....

Waiting. It is 10:06 p.m. and I am on standby for a call from Northwest Women's Center tonight. AND...I am sleepy and ready to climb into bed and call it a night. But I promised I would give it until 11 p.m. And so...I will...for another, hmmmm, 52 minutes sit here and try to entertain myself in such a lively way as to stay awake until the 11 o'clock hour passes. They won't call after 11:00. Of course...that doesn't mean for a second that this baby won't be waiting for me first thing tomorrow morning. But tomorrow is a new day and I can deal with it tomorrow. Better yet...I might...just maybe, find someone else who for once might step in and do one of these sessions for me. But for now...I am waiting. I am almost caught up on all of my other of course it's time for another. I don't want a back log of these sessions as I have more picture appointments than I know what to do with coming up here in the next two weeks. I have scheduled 11 new appointments over the past 3 days. I had thought about throwing out the same offer to my Sunday school class that I did last year...but I don't think I'll have time. I'm already pretty booked right up to Thanksgiving. If they call me, I am getting them all in...but I don't think I'll throw it out on the wide open table this year, for sheer lack of time!

And there's my call. Little boy. He's here and the family is waiting for off I go!

1 comment:

mandy said...

thanks for going last night. i am praying God would raise up another photographer with the same passion for people that you carry.
their is a photographer at CFC with a strange name that maybe would be willing...catherine would know her name. you should try to recruit her.