Saturday, November 03, 2007

S is for.....

SECRET..which I don't have to keep anymore. My dear friend Mary is HOME from London....for GOOD! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! I have had a lonely and sad six months (well...four, technically ) without her and I am overjoyed to see her beautiful face again in my living room and hug her neck and be able to talk to her while she shops at Safeway! She's my secret twin, prayer warrior, walking buddy, drinking pumpkin lattes buddy, eating Mexican food and drinking margaritas buddy! Between her abscence and Chris' cholesterol diet it has been a MISERABLE existence! But my heart is overflowing with pure joy tonight knowing that she is back...a mere block away...and that she and I are destined for Starbucks first thing Monday morning!!!! God is SO good to deliver this dear lady back into my everyday life. She never for a second left my heart...but I LOVE having her here...close...every single day! I am overjoyed this night! Simply overjoyed!

1 comment:

Mary Jones said...

Hmmm... latte... pumpkin... when do we go again... especially since we missed margaritas.