Sunday, November 04, 2007

N is for...

NO. I had to tell a hospital no last night...that there was noone available to come for a family. It was awful. And has not set well with me. The first time in nearly a year that I have said no to any single call. But I have been flooded with calls lately...and have had less and less photographers stepping up to help me. Poor Diane is swamped with weddings now that the weather is cooling down a hair...Leah JUST had a baby on other photographer is 7 months pregnant and we have all agreed that's just not fair to send a ripe, pregnant mom bursting with the promise of life in to photograph a family who just lost their own promise. There's me...who is crazy busy this time of year with Christmas card sessions and all...and there is one other one on our list...but she can never seem to be inconvenienced enough to get out of her pajamas and go. And I finally, for the first time ever had to say no. I had a house full of company. My parents were here visiting from Florida, plus my sister from Phoenix. We had had a busy day, were exhausted and we were celebrating my son and my sister's birthdays that night. And it was creeping up in to the night and I called all my people and noone would go. So that left me. And I was so exhausted I could hardly function...not to mention leaving my family....AGAIN in the middle of getting kids ready for bed. I just had to say no this time. I haven't felt entirely good about that at all. It's stressful to me to think that they might not have any pictures. In all fairness, this was a 19 1/2 week old baby....and there might not have even been anything at all to photograph. I don't know. Won't know. But still. I hate that I had to say no. That noone could get there for that family. I am calling several photographers this week. I have got to find some help. GOT to. I can't do all of Tucson by myself. I can't do half of Tucson by myself. I have got to get a reliable team in place. Otherwise, my heart will break knowing that I have to say no again.

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