Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chasing Butterflies - Take 2

I chased them again today. It was actually a big, red dragon fly that caught my eye out the window this morning. He was huge and perched up high on my lady slipper plant. I thought he looked so cool there and so I reached for my camera to see if I could snap his picture real quick. Mr. Dragonfly would not entertain that idea in the least. Not even one little bit. He flew off straight away before I even got the lens cap off! I was disappointed and stood there for a moment more to see if he would return. But he didn't. But just as I decided to head back in the house and get some work done, I spied this butterfly friend visiting my lantana bush right there beside me. I was excited as this big guy has been rather elusive for me here lately. I keep trying to catch him, and he seems to know it! We've had many a good chase here this past week. I really had given up on the idea and then...there he was! He was fairly cooperative and I did get a few snaps that I can live with. They aren't perfect...but I still thought that they were pretty neat. Butterflies have really, really long noses! Or tongues...can't remember which it is...but it shows up really clearly and really cool in some of the pictures. Neat creatures, butterflies are. So fragile and beautiful and light. One of God's finer designs I think!

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