Monday, August 04, 2008

You Try To Be a Good Mom...

But sometimes your kids just don't appreciate it or recognize the love and effort that went into it. For instance....tonight...I cooked. That's right. I COOKED! I mean...I'm in a pretty darned good mood. School starts in...what's that?! Only 3 more days?! Not that I am counting or anything...but really...I so totally am! It's that magical and wonderful time of year. The smell of freshly sharpened pencils is in the air. Along with the squeak of brand new shoes and the sound of new zippy backpacks! Ahhhh yes. One of my most favorite times of the year. My sanity is just within reach...right there over the Thursday, August 7th, 8:45 a.m. horizon! The anticipation is palpable! And so...since I was in such a good mood I decided to cook a nice, balanced and nutritious dinner for my little family. I had visions of them walking into the kitchen and saying things like "That smells delicious Mom!" and "Yum! When do we eat?!" What I got was..."Fish...ooooh gross. I'm not hungry." and "Can I have something else?" . But my good mood was not to be deterred. I stuck to my guns. The only compromise I made was in baking a simpler and plainer fish fillet for my kids than what Chris and I were enjoying. The moment arrived. Clara and Ben devoured their broccoli, grilled veggies and fish...while Max sat and gave us the death stare. Now. I knew at this point that my mommy vision was less than likely to come to fruition. We were at an all out standoff. Max was determined to resist the vegetable movement and I was equally determined that he would embrace them and love the vegetables as I do. Shall I end my post here and leave you hanging?!

Well...the games began. The threats began. I informed Maxwell that I had cooked (he's not a dumb child and he knows that this fact alone carries significant weight) and that I fully expected him to eat it. And not only did I expect him to eat it, I expected no vomit episode to be involved (like Sunday afternoon lunch) and that I also fully expected a "Thank You Mom for the lovely dinner" compliment at the end. We had a terrific stare down and this is how dinner progessed.

One yummy, nutricious and delicious meal for my main man Max!

"Fine! If I don't try to eat this crap my mom is gonna kill me!"

"Oh Geez! It's so much grosser than I expected! Uggggh! Disgusting!"

"I think I'm gonna be sick!"

"Oh man, my life totally sucks! I think I'm gonna hurl!" "Oh! And I hate my mom!"

"You know Mom, when the javelinas come and eat your plants, they only eat like the very tops of your flowers. Just from here up. Why can't I just eat that part too??"

"Well, Because Max...YOU are NOT a javelina! Eat your dad gum broccoli or there are NO video game priviledges for a MONTH!!!!!" "Go ahead. PUSH ME on this issue and see how it turns out for you!"

Suddenly, that glass of water is VERY, very special and like, the BEST water EVER in the state of ARIZONA!

FINAL SCORE???? Mom-1 Max-0
He ATE it!

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