Monday, August 27, 2007

Making them Understand

Tonight, it has been an all out battle and attempt to make our son, Max...understand why we will most likely NOT be participating in the "optional" Tuesday morning runs for cross country. The main reason for our lack of particpation is that it starts at 6:30 a.m. Which...happens to be the time that Chris is already down at the gym doing body pump...which would leave the task of getting him there to poor old mom. Now...I don't really have a problem with 6:30....except that Clara does not usually get up until closer to 7 a.m....and I am sure NOT going to wake her any earlier to face an already long day at kindegarten. He is having a hard time grasping why I can't just leave my VERY newly turned five year old home alone in the bed to be gone a good half an hour to shuttle him where he wants to be. He insists that Ben is capable of taking care of her...however...I object to leaving my baby at home and refuse to consider Max is not so happy with me tonight. Oh well. I have a special place that I file complaints like that! Actually...since today was his very first practice...I have a feeling that he might wake up so sore from today's run that he might actually thank me for my deep and wonderful wisdom tomorrow morning when he is trying to move! Those runs can really sneak up on your muscles!

On another note...we had a little get together for Chris' job to attend tonight. I find that some of them require a GREAT deal of concentration. Tonight was one of them. It was a get together for an intern that Chris has had. He is from France...and speaks with a heavy French accent. The people hosting it...also from France...more french accent. Their good friends and another couple that works with Chris...from also a strong German accent to process and digest. And my favorite little dude amongst the group...from India. And you guessed it...strong, strong Indian accent. And just for the record...his girlfriend (who I adore) is Polish and speaks with a rather strong Polish accent! And so...all in all it was a night of INTENSE concentration as I processed all of these foreign accents and the english that came disguised amongst it all! Utterly exhausting! And none too pleasant when all you really wanted to do was curl up and go to bed about 5:30 this afternoon....NOT go off to accent central! Today was a really, really, really long day and I was SO dragging by 5:00 this afternoon. SO dragging. Anyway. My brain is fried now from trying to sort out the night's conversation and contribute to it in an acceptable manner. So very tired now...DEFINITELY NOT interested in getting up at 5:45 to take Max to school so he can run. No siree...Mom has issued the veto on that one. We are sleeping all the way to 6:30 a.m and that is THAT! The END! Amen. God Bless America. Thank you for coming.

1 comment:

Mary Jones said...

Got to give the boy kudos for trying though! I like his gumption... if he can keep up that fight ... we may be seeing him in the olympics in about what 7-8 years. You go MAX!