Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Phone Calls in the Night

I just received a phone call from Northwest Hospital Women's Center. There is a mom who will deliver a baby some time in this night...a baby who lost her little heartbeat at some point in this past 24 hours. I knew of this mom. Was asked about our services a short time ago by our pediatrician, who happens to be one of mom's best friends. But I had every hope that this family would be able to at least meet this little one...face to face...even if just for a short time. But that is not to be the case. This little angel will never draw her first breath. She is already in the hands of Jesus...without ever spending even a moment here on earth with us. It is nearly 10 p.m. and this mom is, even now, laboring to bring forth this child...a child they so eagerly anticipated and were so excited to have. They knew early on, that there were most likely some problems...some Down's and other issues. But the news got worse as the months progressed and they knew that this little one would be born with something fatal and not live long at all...if at all. And now...they know for sure that they will never know even a moment of her life...for she has gone on.

Fast is now 9 a.m. on Thursday morning. I am still waiting for the phone call that never came last night. I checked in with the breavement coordintator on that floor and she said that mom is not even close to delivering. And they had thought she would go so quickly...since this is their 5th baby. But that is obviously not to be the case. So...I am going to head on into the world and try to have a somewhat normal morning. I am heading to the gym...with no plans of being all sweaty...Cell phone in hand...and if progress is made...I will be close by. Though I have to say...that normal is just not possible with all the thoughts I have going through my head and the prayers I have going for this poor family. I can't imagine what this mom is grappling with as she passes these hours by, ever so slowly. Just waiting for a chance to hold and say goodbye to the little angel that has already said goodbye to them. It's a heavy morning here. To be sure. Prayers for this mom...prayers for this dad...prayers for this family who has to say goodbye without ever having the chance to say hello.

1 comment:

Mary Jones said...

My prayer go out for them this day (night) and for you to my friend. May God shine forth His light through you that they may see the true light in the darkness.