Friday, July 20, 2007

Counting Down the Days

It is exactly 2 weeks and 5 days until school starts. Our summer has been just wonderful. Full of some fun and awesome adventures, times with friends, swimming, reading, and relaxation. No complaints here! But alas...all good things must come to an end in exchange for even better school! I tackled the VERY dreaded back to school shopping list a couple of nights ago. Target had all the schools lists out so I grabbed it (since I keep forgetting my copy at home) and started fulfilling the appropriate grade level necessities. $80 later...and that is STRICTLY the supply list...I am happy to report that three backpacks are full of supplies and ready to go. Three backpacks are NOT included in that $80 total. No...that would be an additional $50...and we haven't even begun to tackle the back to school wardrobe! It's an expensive season, to be sure! Still to do...haircuts for the boys (that's a MUST), clothing update for the boys and a couple of other items for Clara, new lunch box for Max...since he's a big middle schooler now and can't be seen carrying a babyish basketball looking lunchbox anymore...and registration day for Max next Tuesday. Apparently they will be doing yearbook pictures and everything THAT day...before the school year even technically starts. Interesting, to be sure. Of course...I really have no interest in school pictures. The yearly "mug shot" is something I have been passing on now for several years...for obvious reasons. Those pictures rarely look like my kid...and I have to buy an outrageously expensive package of like way too many....I just always get better ones of my kids myself. And somehow...even though I never order a package, I STILL end up with at least a couple or three of their school picture anyway! I think their teachers get a few for projects and what not...but rarely use them all...and so they come home to me! I have had several folks complain about the school pictures and I have fixed more than a couple of picture disasters...I think I am going to do a back to school special for those parents wishing to bypass the generic mugshot...something like 1/2 price units...pick your pose...something. I still have to think on it some, but I have had enough requests that it would seem a good idea. Not to mention that I just hate to see folks stuck with "the mug shot". Those school pictures are often the only professional picture done of the child that year. But...enough about the picture business...for now. As the "big" day, August 9th approaches, feelings are all over the board in our house. There is total excitement by Clara. She is SO ready to go to school and to have some homework. I think Max is fairly excited...really looking forward to the pre-algebra math class he has been placed in. He's vowed that he is going to be extra organized (LOL!!! Bless his will interesting to see his efforts!) Ben is not especially excited about school. He never is. Although, the knowledge that his best pal will be in his class with him for the third year running is boosting his spirits a bit! And as for mommy...well it's a mixed bag. I am excited for all three of my kids and the adventures ahead for them. I am excited about the possibility of having a clean house that stays that way most of the day. I am thinking that I will most definitely cherish the calm and a point, but am pretty sure I will miss the sweet cloud of never ceasing chatter that comes with my dear girl. She and I are quite tight...and I fear it is her absence that I will feel the most. I've tried not to think too much on how I will be setting her off into the world of school and about how she will now spend more of her day with others than with her dear old mom and siblings. The thought that others will be privy to all of her smiles and laughter and chats and goings on...and not me...well. That's when the tears start flowing. And so...on that note, that is probably enough for today.

1 comment:

Mary Jones said...

It is alway so hard to let go... the first time, the second time... each time we have to pry our fingers away from their little ones just a bit more. I hurt for you but she is still your girl through and through and you have done an amazing job with her.