Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Woke up at 3:30 a.m. with this headache. It's one of the worst ever I think. My head hurt so bad I can't even describe it. Mostly the top, right side of my head...but everywhere is being drawn in, if that makes sense? I was up looking for ibuprofen just before 4 this morning. I thought I would die before I got to bed and got still again. Then the dog's breathing was bothering me, and Chris was in the shower to catch an early flight to Europe, so that was excruciatingly loud, and the hum of the ceiling fan...you name it. It is backed off a little bit this morning, but it is ramping up again as I sit here. I am nauseas as all get out and just miserable. It is nearly time for more ibuprofen. Ben is pushing the buttons on the toaster oven and it is SO LOUD...all those little beeps. I have a feeling that this is going to be a very, very quiet day for us! Got to find somewhere dark now. No small challenge on this very bright and sunny day!

1 comment:

Mary Jones said...

I feel for you my friend. Those are the worst. Never anything so terrible. Supposedly migraine meds help and you can go about life as usual but then I find they just have their own side effects... hmmm... darkness and rest are the only cures. So I pray for darkness and rest for you today. Hope you are feeling better tomorrow. There is light at the end of the migraine tunnel... promise... from one who also suffers with these horrible little monsters of the head!