Monday, July 30, 2007


My husband works for a company full of workaholics. They all work TOO many hours TOO many days of the week. Part of being an employee there with any value at all means that you get assigned a Blackberry for communication purposes (or "crack"berry as we wives have taken to calling the things. We call it a crackberry because it's so addictive...the pull of the vibration of the thing so strong that few are able to resist looking at the screen to see who has sent them some new news or assignment. I have mastered the discreet, yet still present sound of the vibration that results from each new message or phone call routed to that little machine. I hear it...and then I watch to see what my husband will do. How will he handle the temptation of the mighty crackberry? RARELY does he say "oh well...whatever it is can just wait until morning." No...usually, he pretends to ignore it...and then...when he thinks noone is looking, he quickly slides it out, just enough to get a peek, and checks to see if it is anything important. I bust him on it regularly. Even go so far as to point out to him that our silverware drawer (that's where he deposits it at night) is vibrating....AGAIN. He used to keep it in his underwear drawer...but the darned thing goes off all night, and my hearing is extremely sensitive...and so it had to be left someplace far away from my bed you see. Sometimes, I make a real point of watching him once he has received a communication...and he KNOWS I am watching him...and then it's kind of fun to watch him break into a sweat from withdrawal and try to think of ways to distract me so he can check it without feeling so bad. Often it just doesn't work...and he apologizes for just not being able to resist the mighty summons of the blackberry pull! And so we live with the allure of the crackberry...answering it's every beck and call. Catering to all the other workaholics there...not to mention the Europeans who are on a totally different schedule.'s an all call, all the time...never a quiet hour on the siree. WHY am I blogging about the crackberry you ask? WELL...tonight, we sent out an invitation for an informal happy hour thing for some of the other employees. Chris really likes to do those from time to time...and I oblige because it's a GREAT excuse to get the house really, really clean. Anyway...the invitation went out around 9:30 p.m. and literally, within LESS THAN A MINUTE we already had 2 acceptances. Now...WHY are these people reaching for their blackberries at 9:30 p.m. I ask you? Does the work day NEVER rest? I am always amazed at just how many people reach for those....the fastest blackberries in the west! Nakil won tonight. His acceptance was nearly instantaneous! That's a quick finger I tell ya! Okay...enough on the crackberries. It's time for bed!


Mary Jones said...

Hey watch out for those European comments. You know some of us over hear read this. By the way, ours get turned OFF at night. Yep, my hubby actually runs around and shuts them off... specifically MINE!!! He thinks mine beeps more at night than his does... and I don't even work. Hmmmm!!! What will happen when I do work???!!!

mandy said...

i think ross might have been one of those quick rsvp-ers last night! in fact i work up to the crackberry vibrating on the desk this morning VERY early!
i nearly wet my pants as i read and related to you post!