Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Goings On

I am restless tonight. There is much on my plate tomorrow and my mind is aswirl with all of it. First of all, tomorrow morning my friend Jenny and I have our first session with the personal trainer. I am filled with equal parts excitement and total dread over the matter. Jenny is hoping that the trainer works us so hard that we have to crawl out of the gym on our hands and knees. And while I DO hope she will help us to get some results...somehow I had envisioned new and challenging workouts, while at the same time walking out of the building under my own steam on my own two legs! So, I think that Jenny and I might have slightly different ideas about all of that...but I think we are both dreading the "nutrition" talk more than you can know. LUCKY for us, the trainer is also a nutritionist. Jenny and I are pretty sure that major chunks of our current intake will most likely no longer be "allowed". Bummer. As I type this, I am cherishing my last Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay Wave Runner. Pretty certain those will be on the no-no list! Right along with Jenny's donuts and late night milkshakes! To top it off, Mother Nature is due to come and get me any second now. I just hope that tomorrow there is no scale or tape measure involved. I can't even tell you how not funny I would find that! The thought of it makes me entirely queasy!

After I get my butt weighed, measured and kicked in the gym (not to mention knocking that old pride down a notch or two), I will be getting ready for one of the biggest jobs thus far of my short photography career. I got a call from a California firm last week asking me to do the photography for the upcoming opening of a new business. So I get to go over to the new place tomorrow afternoon, and do some photography there. No pressure! I am totally excited. But so totally nervous. The closer it gets, the more wound up I find myself getting. My photography has gotten SO much better over the past year. I have been thrilled beyond belief with my latest takings on. The pictures from my sister's house were AMAZING in every way. I am so glad that my friends Mandy and Jen pushed me to work on my outdoor photography skills. Of course...there is only ONE outdoor shot for the shoot. Anyway. I know I can do this and do a good job. Or at least, I think that I know it. This is the hour that the doubt starts creeping in. the famous words of many a good man..."oh well!" I'm hired and the time is set and I'm just going to walk in there and get it done and get it done right. Period.

From that shoot I will head straight over to Cheerleading/tumbling for observation day. Clara is LOVING her cheer and tumble this year. FINALLY. She had a rough start this year for some reason. I don't know if she was just tired or what really her deal was. But she was really clingy and moody and cranky about it all when it came time to do the activity. But if I even breathed a word about maybe pulling out of it, she flipped out! Finally, she seems to have settled in and it is no longer a battle. She is loving her classes and loving learning all of her new skills. Which is good, because I am not a real fan of the clinging, whining, stay with me thing.

It will be 7 o'clock by the time tumbling is over and 7:15 before we get home. Then there will be dinner to cook and sore muscles to soak (assuming Jenny does not get her wish and I am actually able to walk into the house under my own steam, and not crawl in on my knees!). Not to mention all of those pictures to edit. It's going to be a LONG one tomorrow and all of the long is going to come on the backside of the day. Bummer!

On a totally different and unrelated note, I ate a nutrition bar today called "think 5". It supposedly has 3 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit in it. All for just 300 calories. Delicious nutrition on the go it says. Can I just say that...I beg to differ! The think 5 bar is "chocolate covered red berry flavor". The chocolate did not cover up ANY flavor and the flavor that went pretty much entirely uncovered was certainly NOT red berry. This was hands down the nastiest, worst tasting, foul concoction I have ever choked down. When you bite into the bar it has a slightly greenish tinge to mold or grass clippings. And did I mention that it was nasty? All sorts of scary vegetable powders in that one. If it's gross, and you can make it into a powder...they dumped it into this bar. So, should you find yourself in the power bar aisle and you see one of these "think 5" bars...and think that it seems like a good idea, getting all five servings of your fruits and vegetables in one personal opinion would be that you THINK AGAIN! Walk away. Just GO HUNGRY. You will be glad you did in the long run!

And that is what is going on in my world today!

1 comment:

mandy said...

how'd the olive garden gig go? that is totally wild!! congrats on this opportunity.