Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Last note of the Day

It is now 8:47 p.m. and I just have to say that my triceps are really, REALLY sore. AS are my biceps and forearms and my back is screaming at me too. I am so tired. There are not words to describe it. It has been a nonstop day for sure. But as I write this...I am literally about to just drop. Actually...I was too tired to walk into the I am using this post as an excuse to rest a moment while I gather the strength to head on into the bedroom to brush my teeth and actually go to bed. No one will need to rock me to sleep tonight. I will not need to read or chat...nor do I have any fears of just laying there tossing and turning. Nope. I am DONE! Stick a fork in me already. I do have some work that I should do. Should do. But I imagine my dear friend Abby would like her pictures to look somewhat decent when I am done and I am thinking that tonight is NOT the night to be trying to create anything for her...or anyone else for that matter. And so...on that note. I am off to sleep! Until tomorrow!

And on just one other quick side note....IF my husband were to come into the room after I go to sleep in the dark...and proceed to turn on the bedside lamp so he can read...I would definitely kill him. Just that little side note on his newest and most annoying habit that has woken me up twice in the past week. NOT FUNNY! And so...dear husband...if you are reading on the couch until you drop the book. (that is a hint that you are too tired to read anymore!) Then come to bed with me. IN THE DARK. I love you!

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