Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Moments With Clara

Clara came into the kitchen this morning, very discouraged and frustrated, seeking my help. She told me that she wanted to read all about the nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue, but could not locate it. And I'm thinking...WHAT? It was at about that time that I turned around and realized that she was holding the latest edition of Newsweek magazine. And the headlines read in big orange letters, "Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue". Hmmm. Only my kids, right?! I then had the task of explaining that Pennsylvania Avenue is where the White House is and that is where the president lives and that the nightmare they were referring to had to do with politics and the election. Clara listened to all of that...seemed to weigh what I had said. For a moment I think maybe she didn't believe me. That she thought maybe I was holding out on her. Keeping the "nightmare" article a big secret. Then she looked disappointed, because clearly, my girl was ready to dig in and explore this big nightmare that someone was having. She gave the magazine in her hand one long, last look, then tossed it aside and went skipping on out into her day.

Then this afternoon, we were out rollerskating. This is something Clara desperately wants to get good at. She is asking for roller skating lessons in fact. (Like we have time for another class in our schedule!) And while she was frustrated, she refused to give up. She just keeps on wobbling and swaying and rocking and fumbling right along. It's not a graceful dance to watch! That's for sure. Yesterday, when I tried to help her, I nearly lost a toe in the effort. Luckily, I have 9 others, and they will keep me going while this 10th one recovers from being totally rolled over time after time! While we were skating down the sidewalk, or at least, attempting to, Clara made the comment that she was determined to master this. That no matter how many times she fell down she was "going to persevere". Big words for little girls! Lately, it seems Clara is forever blowing me away with her ever expanding vocabulary. There have been several instances over the past few days where something she has said has totally caught me off guard by how complex or advanced it seemed for her age. I've been left standing there thinking "Wow! All my kids really are much smarter than I am...already!" You've got to love moments like that. Moments that just leave you humble and less than bright feeling. Yet overjoyed to know that you donated your very last brain cell in order that these little ones could, indeed be so very bright and precocious! Lots of that precocious stuff going on in our house these days!

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