Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thinking About

I am seriously thinking about just kind of stepping away from coordinating Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep for Tucson. Actually. I am totally thinking about stepping away from all of least for a while. I wouldn't really be leaving the area in a lurch, because I have a co-coordinator. She could just take it by herself and run with it. I just feel like maybe I am done with that right now. Maybe it's because the busy season is creeping up on me. Maybe it's because I have been doing it for nearly two years with just a handful of us photographers here. And maybe I just think I'm tired and I need to step away a little bit. So I'm thinking about that.

I'm thinking about how I skipped church this morning to go to Body Combat at the gym. God didn't like that one little bit and made sure that my favorite instructors were SO not there and my least favorite one was SO there all by herself. But I didn't want to go to church because quite simply...I was not up for a rock concert this morning. And I feel like that is all I find here in this city. One rock concert/boy band after another. With soft, fluffy messages of invitation. It makes me nuts. Normally I can...and do...just suck it up and get in there and do it. But today I was in NO mood for it! And so I didn't do it.

I am thinking about how there surely must be a weather system rolling in because my head is hurting mightily and has been all day long.

I am thinking about how bad my knees hurt after running sprints with Chris yesterday. NOT received well by the old body! That's for sure! NOT going to do that again!

I am thinking about how cute Clara and her friend Claire were when we took them to see High School Musical on Ice. I almost enjoyed watching their little expressions and smiles more than I enjoyed watching the show.

I am thinking about how nice it will be to get the kids all back to school tomorrow morning and get my house put back together.

I am thinking about Christmas and how I'm ready to ship the vast majority of our packages out in the next 2 weeks.

I am thinking about how much fun it will be to have Chris's sister and her two girls here for Christmas this year.

I am thinking about how glad I am that I have already "cooked" our Christmas dinner! (aka ordering the big meal from Honey Baked Ham...scheduled to be delivered the week of Christmas! Silly didn't actually think I was going to COOK it did ya?!)

I am thinking that I probably need to get off this computer and go and fold one more load of laundry before bed!

And so that's me...just thinking! It's dangerous...I know!

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