Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Night Terrors

It's one of those nights. Clara is on a roll. She has already had three blood curdling screaming fits since she went to sleep at 9:00 tonight. She has a tendency to do that from time to time. Be sleeping soundly, then suddenly, at the top of her lungs launch into the loudest, most hysterical screaming fit you have ever heard. Then when you get to her, she is not even awake. And it's almost impossible to get her to wake up and come out of it. She will stop screaming easily enough. But if you don't break the sleep cycle she will return to the screaming within about a half hour. Tonight we are screamy. I just went up for the third time. As I opened her door she was coming out, still crying and upset. Only when she saw me (only she wasn't really seeing ME, but rather THROUGH me) she turned it off like a SWITCH, smiled and said "Hi!". It's totally weird when she does this. She follows commands and even answers questions. But you can tell looking at her eyes that she simply is not really with you. This last time I made her get up and go potty. Talked to her the whole time. She only answered SOME of my questions. I washed her face with some nice cold water. Then put her back to bed. I am hoping she will stay there now for the night without further incident. I'm still not sure I really got her awake enough. But I am so sleepy now! So here's hoping! Good night!

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