Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today was just another day as far as days go I suppose. I dropped Clara off at cheer camp, came home and started some laundry, then headed back out the door to Body Combat. This class, has incidentally become one of my favorites. It's a lot of fun and goes by very quickly! Always a plus for me! Mr. "Floats Like a Butterfly, Stings Like a Bee" was in the house of combat this morning. He was a sight I tell ya! He had arms and legs just a punching and flailing as hard as they could go. I should have noticed the second that I walked in that this guy had a good 1/4 of the entire workout floor clear around him. Hmmmm. That really SHOULD start some bells to ringing. The rest of us are certainly cozy enough in there spacewise...and then there's this guy. Lot's of open space around one and only one person on the workout floor can usually only mean a couple of things. Either said person has a pretty major body odor even before class starts, or surrounding class finds person to be obnoxious in his or her usage of allotted space. The latter was the case for Floats Like a Butterfly, Stings Like a Bee (from here on out just known as Sting). He was ALL OVER the place. He was punching the air so hard I thought he'd just throw himself on down there on the floor...a self knockout! Oh yes. Sting was really something to take in this morning! My pal Jenny was just mad. I looked over and for a moment there I had NO DOUBT that she could literally beat the crap out of someone right then and there. She was IN to the grab em by the hair and punch their lights out move! This class is great if you have some sort of frustration or aggravation you want to work through. There's so much punching and kicking and yelling and the whole "Hi-YAH!" thing is happening. It's a good morning at the gym on Combat Days. Sometimes I leave there half convinced that I could rip somebody up. I mean I feel TOUGH. I get my whole martial arts thing on (and if you are laughing trying to picture that then you better watch out! I might just lay a move on you one of these days!) Plus...there's always somebody like Sting in there just making me feel a little bit better about my own sorry state of coordination and lack of skill in this foreign area!

After the gym I grabbed a quick shower and then it was RIGHT back out the door to get the girl! I picked her up and she was one tired chicky today! She laid down and took a two hour nap! After that she got an invite to go to her friend Sophia's house to watch a movie and she was OFF like a flash! The boys have had friends over all afternoon and it I suppose it is getting about time to return them to their point of origin and collect Miss Clara back to hers!

Lots of positive comments on the new website design. It still not up yet and I want to hold it just one more day...just in case I want to add a couple of things to it! But for the most part it is getting great reviews. I guess that is about all for now! More later!

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