Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Well. Tuesday finds us busy as ever. I headed in to the gym for double classes this morning. First Bodystep, followed by BodyPump. Captain Morgan was in the house again. Ay, yay, yay! That gal works my brain! One would think that if you found yourself facing THE ENTIRE CLASS, including the instructor, that it might dawn on you that you were facing the wrong direction. But apparently that isn't really as glaring a sign for some as it is for others. I'm thinking Captain Morgan just marches to the beat of her own drum. In the meantime...it's terribly distracting for the rest of us...well, for me. It's distracting for ME! Max really wants an electric guitar for his birthday...but I think we need to give him that Brain Age game instead so I can strengthen my concentration skills! You know...just mooch off the kid's birthday goodies! After the gym, I crawled right on out of there. My butt was pretty kicked and I was having fantasies about a nap! We had a few errands to run. Drop off library books, mail three packages, get some gas in the car...those minor details of life. Then there was lunch and a shower. I smell pretty now...but I am sleepy as all get out. Clara is pouting mightily at me because I have not produced a friend for her to swim with. I'm about to hit her with the "Hey...let's play the 'Take a nap with mommy' game"! Somehow I DOUBT she's going to find it as lucrative an idea as I do right about now...but that's all right. I am sitting here with my scary face mask on right now...but it washes off in another three minutes and I can get on over to that nap business! Here lately, it seems like my butt and gut are in the fast lane to 40 and flabby, but my FACE is revisiting 14 over and over again. I mean...can we just move past the zit phase already. I mean REALLY! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! If I MUST have the facial obnoxiousness of the 14 year old....WHY, OH WHY can I not have the metabolism and skinny butt to go along with it. But no...My face thinks it's 14. Those zits look particularly sexy with the crow's feet and wrinkles there on the canvas...the butt, gut and boobs are all just clawing their way south, my triceps are literally trying to just seperate themselves from the back of my arm...putting as much distance as possible between them and my arm. That's a particularly sexy thing to have all that flappiness happening. I just love getting older. It's great. On the bright side....pretty much the whole silicone gang was missing from the gym today. That's always a confidence killer...when you get to stand right beside "Double Tramp" (so named because of her TWO tramp stamps) who is SO obviously high maintenance and heavily augmented. Then there's "Silicone Sally". She's had plenty of work done as well. She purchased those boobs and then had everything else all sucked and tucked to further accentuate them. I mean...more power to them and all...but if you're just gonna cheat and go get all "surgically fit" WHY not just spend your mornings at Starbucks while the rest of us try to achieve the unachievable? I mean...we can ALMOST convince ourselves that one day we'll get there...that all of that exercise might actually pay off in the end. Then the silicone gang shows up and it's like "Who the heck are we kidding? Never going to see THAT body on THIS body in THIS lifetime!" Oooh. I'm venting. There it goes. Gotta watch that!

Speaking of VENTING!!!!! I asked Chris to update my website last night. I have a lot of great new stuff and I wanted to get it all posted and updated and make a few changes. But guess what? Now this may come as a TOTAL shock to you and you very well might find this hard to believe....but...hold on to your seats now...here it comes...my site builder program is NOT COMPATIBLE WITH MY MAC!!!!!!! Imagine that! Something NOT mac friendly. Hmmmmm. Is that just like the story of my life...or what? I mean. Silly rabbit! Working programs are NOT for the mac! Pretty ridiculous of me to think that just once something might be EASY on this stupid light up box called a computer! But alas. Nothing so doable. And so...we will have to take my webite BACK to square one. Build it from scratch. And THAT is going to take some time. SIGH***** Life is SO unfair sometimes! But alas...this IS my life. That's all for today folks!

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