Monday, July 14, 2008

Surgery Scheduling Attempt # ?

So I finally talked to someone at the Southwest Urological place today. FINALLY! Only took 4 phone calls to get a live body! When they told me the scheduler was on another line I insisted that I would hold! And hold I did. For over 10 minutes. And when I finally spoke directly to her, WHAT did she have for me? NADA! NOTHING! ZERO! BUPKISS! ZIP! Apparently the doc is STILL pondering Ben's chart and deciding what to do. Hmmm. I THOUGHT he seemed pretty clear about what we needed to do LAST WEEK. Even if he was a little unclear he has now had a FULL WEEK to review the chart and get clear...know what I mean? And so...Day One of WEEK TWO brings me NO closer to having a surgery date on the calendar. GRRRRRRRR.

On to other frustrating news in my life. The website is still not up. It's close. It's actually all built and can even be tentatively viewed by going to I've run into a couple of small snags. For one, the really pretty font that looks OH so pretty on my Mac just DOESN'T look pretty on the PC when I pull it up. The pages seem a bit long vertically for some reason. And I really REALLY hate the way you have to wait for the banana thing in order to view the galleries. But the trade off is that the pictures are so much bigger and nicer and so easy to scroll through. It's a trade I suppose. There are still bugs to work out for sure. Having to share Chris, my tech man, with Roche is NOT helping the progression of this website either! I think that everything that can possibly go wrong up on the hill there where he works pretty much IS! I know that he is VERY much looking forward to our upcoming vacation!

On other fronts...Clara is off to cheerleading camp tomorrow. Should be a good channel for her VERY loud voice. Seems the child can't talk to us here lately without screaming! The boys are REALLY looking forward to having her gone for half a day! Max got his new electric guitar for his birthday today (YES! You CAN pray for the poor mommy who has to listen to him practice!), but like all things that come in big boxes, the guitar got quickly laid aside for the big empty boxes it arrived in! Go figure! I am feeling like I am coming out from under my "sleeping sickness" that I suffered from for a few days. At one point I was even worried I might be pregnant I was so tired (HOLY CRAP! Can you imagine?!). But it seems to have just been some sort of little viral thing. Chris actually had it too and somehow I am quite sure being pregnant ever crossed his mind!

Oh! I tried out a couple of little marketing things that I picked up at my recent conference in Phoenix, just to kind of see what they would do and YIKES! They REALLY really worked very well. Like...I'm going to have to be OH so careful how I throw those things out there! The fall schedule is already booking up for me. I am booked solidly into August with several family portraits and even a couple of BIG things. Like high school football teams big! The PTA has asked me about doing a Family Portrait NIght fundraiser and I am having lots of inquiries already about Christmas portraits. So it looks as though it is bound to be a busy season for sure! My model search is going well. I have had lots of people asking how long I will be looking for the New to 6 week age group. So that's cool! All in all, I have no complaints! Well...there IS that website issue and the urologist from hell. But other than complaints!

One last thing. I started a new bible study that I am finding to be just really great. It's called No Other Gods...Confronting Our Modern Day Idols.
It is written by Kelly Minter and it just really good. The days are quite short if you find yourself without a lot of time to sit and look up a million verses. However. The subject matter is such that you find yourself revisiting the text and thinking on it throughout the day. The verses SCREAM memorize me! And I am having absolutely NO problem identifying with this study 100%. One really cool thing about it is that there are recipes all the way through it. Tonight I made the Black Beans and Rice that was at the end of the first chapter and it was a real winner! Delightfully yummy! Simple enough even for me! And one that Chris said that I can cook ANYtime. So there you have it! The ultimate seal of approval. Clara liked it too. The boys...well. Three out of five ain't so bad! Upcoming recipes include a pasta dish, chicken scallopini, beef pot roast and PUMPKIN MUFFINS! YUMMY! Sicilian Pizza, Mac and Cheese from scratch! Chicken Cutlets with secret sauce and a top secret chili recipe. I can't wait!

And so...I have to say goodnight now! Until later!

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