Monday, July 14, 2008


Can I just say that I am SO frustrated with Southwest Urology?! I have been trying to get Ben's surgery scheduled for over a week now. And that office is just INFURIATING! I called FOUR days last week. And every single day they took down my information, and told me someone would call me back to get me scheduled. NO CALL! Day after day. And I called again this morning, bright and early, 10 minutes past 8 a.m. so we can go ahead and get a jump on the process of this...week 2 of the scheduling saga. Guess what? Their office does not open until 9 a.m. And I am like you are *@#%* me!!! Office opens at 9 a.m. They take lunch from 11:30 until 1 p.m. And they are GONE for the day before 4:30 p.m. GRRRRRRRR. I hate urologists. They have NO bedside manner, NO personality whatsoever (yes, I have now surveyed three different ones). Their waiting rooms are slammed full of 80 year old men...who incidentally do a DREADFUL job of hitting that toilet when they have to give a sample. I don't know when I have been in a nastier bathroom than that one that was there at their office. And I find their set ups to be TERRIBLY inefficient, And so. THAT is my Monday morning rant. Going to Body Step now so I can work out my frustration!

1 comment:

mandy said...

do you know ken choi? he is actually a good know i am not a fan of the field of urology either! hope you all get things scheduled tomorrow.